Sunday, October 18, 2009

How to make tough decisions

The most difficult thing in the world can be making a good decision. We all struggle with this regardless of our age, place in life, etc. We have all made bad decisions and we suffered the consequences of these bad choices. I can personally identify here in that I left a good job and started my own business and while I grew through the process I can look back and know that I made several bad decisions. Andy Stanley just completed a four part series titled "Your Move". This series dealt with some steps to making good decisions. As usual it was full of insight and how I wish I had heard this series when I was twenty instead of nearly sixty. I will try my best to keep this summary as short as possible, but my desire is that you could learn from this study. You can download this series at

Andy spent four Sundays asking four questions to help us in making good decisions. I will list the four questions with a few comments:

  1. Question #1: Am I really being honest with myself? Ask yourself this question when making a decision. Am I being honest about my desire for a particular thing. An example would be a newly wedded couple who are trying to decide on a new car. They have a desire to purchase a Hummer. Yep, 4 to 6 mpg but on the other hand, plenty of room, can be driven in all sorts of weather (big issue in ATL) and besides it is an impressive automobile. It will draw lots of attention.....I am sure these all sound like great features, but this couple makes about $60,000 between the two of them and the payments over five years are only $595/month with a fleece (lease). In Andy's words "we are on a happiness quest, not on a quest for what is best." Andy pointed out that the heart is deceitful above all things" Jeremiah 17:9.
  2. Question #2: What Story Do I Want To Tell? When we make a decision we will later be telling this story to others about the results of a decision. My own story includes a bad business decision that impacted my life forever. What story do we want to be able to tell? Andy's illustration was from the book of Genesis where Joseph was tempted by Potiphar's wife and he withstood the temptation though he was thrown into prison as a result. Later though he could retell this story and explain that because he did the right thing he was in prison but the Lord restored him in a higher position through which he restored his family and saved Egypt from starvation, etc. So when you make a decision think about the story you will tell as a result.
  3. Question #3: Is there a tension I need to pay attention too? When you are making a decision do you feel a tension in your heart? Is something telling you to hold on and reconsider the decision? This is a tension you should pay attention to. Christians will tell you that something didn't fit or add up and this was a red flag. Andy used the story of David in the cave with Saul with a chance to murder the king (who was trying to murder David) but something did not feel right and he decided not to harm the King. He later was made King by God. Charles Stanley (Andy's Dad) has a quote on his office wall that says " God will take full responsibility for my life and outcomes if I am wholly dedicated to Him." So don't make a decision if you have any second thoughts or tension in your life.
  4. Question #4: What would be most honoring to God?" When making a decision ask yourself what choice would most honor God? Andy's scripture references are 1 Cor 6:19-20..."Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, you are not your own, you were bought with a price, honor God with your body." Matthew 5:14-16, "Let your light shine so that glory is brought to God." Andy used examples of people downsizing in order to be able to give more to God's work of helping those in need. He also used as an example...keeping a difficult marriage together because it honors God. There are countless examples of God glorifying decisions that we make. A challenge Andy gave us was to use this criteria in every decision we make over the next few days.

In closing these are four questions to ask yourself when making decisions: to recap they are

  • Am I really being honest with myself?
  • What story do I want to tell?
  • Is there a tension I need to pay attention too?
  • What would be most honoring to God?

My hope is that we would all use these questions to help us in making the right that we can live with.

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About Me

I am a husband, father and grandfather to 5 beautiful little girls. I am a follower of Christ