Tuesday, November 3, 2009


I confess to a real battle with Blogger's Block...I have really not felt inspired these past few days. I try to read passages of scripture but nothing seems to budge the block. I think about timely political topics but more block occurs. Today though would have been my mom's 80th birthday. She left us here on earth two years ago on December 3rd. I hate to admit it but it did not come to my mind that today would have been her birthday until lunchtime. I was blessing my food at Subway and had finished my prayer when it hit me that today was my mom's birthday. The reason I remembered was that I overheard a lady in the next booth say that her dad had passed away on this day a few years ago. This quickly brought to my mind that today was a special day. I quickly bowed my head and thanked God for the blessing that my mom was to me and I thanked Him that she was with Him in heaven.

As the day continued I thought of mom many more times. In my day timer I have a copy of her obituary that I read from time to time. As I arrived home this evening my wife told me that my Dad had called and he had been to her grave site to decorate the headstone. My daughter in Texas called and she was serving one of our favorite desserts that mom fixed (banana pudding). She was serving it in some of mom's dishes. I think it is safe to say that none of her children or grandchildren will ever forget what a special lady she was. She lives on in our hearts as every time we are together there will be some mention of her life or something she said.

None of us leave very much behind of any significance. Mom did leave a legacy behind. We all remember her for different things. Her sense of humor, her love for family, etc. What I best remember was her encouragement. Mom was an encourager. She made us think that we could do anything that we set our minds to. We were capable of doing anything and she gave us all courage and a desire to do more with our lives. Mom was also my spiritual mentor. She and I spent many long hours discussing things of our faith. She was a reader and a writer....I think I inherited this from her. I often thought that I did not receive any gifts from my ancestors. My grandfather was a master carpenter. Some of our family are gifted musicians..I can't carry a tune in a bucket and every time I get my tools out my wife hits her knees in prayer. But mom did give me a love of books, of reading and of writing. I thank her for this. It is a gift that I treasure.

I am thankful that one day I will join mom in Heaven. Mom gave me the greatest gift I could ever desire...that of knowing the One who holds me in His hands. She showed me the way to my Savior. For this I say thanks mom and I also say that though you are gone my heart still beats for you and I love you now even more than before. I'll see you on the other side.

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About Me

I am a husband, father and grandfather to 5 beautiful little girls. I am a follower of Christ