Friday, November 13, 2009

My President

I have about had enough. I lived through the last presidential campaign where the "anointed one" ran against GW Bush. I lived through co workers continuously slamming my president. I lived through the quasi media elite making fun of my president. I will admit that he is not nearly as eloquent as the "anointed one" but I felt that when he looked you in the eye he was speaking his heart and he was speaking the truth. He was attacked because he did not hide his faith behind some political ideology. He was who he was and that's all that he was. You know, he did make some mistakes and I did not always agree with all he did but I will never forget that when the twin towers fell and we were under attack I had the utmost respect for him and his ability during this crucial time. I will never forget his greatest speech. He spoke from the national cathedral and gave me hope during the darkest days that I had ever experienced as an American. He has conducted himself with dignity since leaving the presidency and I can say that the First Lady, Laura Bush has been a class act both during her time in the White House and since.

I loved the man and I loved what he stood for. I heard daily in my office the slurs, the verbal attacks on the man and his character. I did not always stand up for his as I should have but I think most would agree that if we ever experience (hopefully we will not) another situation such as 9-11 that we will all be wishing that George W. Bush was still around. He truly had a deep faith in God (not so sure about the anointed one) and while he did not push his beliefs on others, you knew where he stood.

I write this today because of an article that my daughter sent me. I have attached this article and I urge you to read it. The article was written by a gay rights activist who truly says what needs to be said. I was truly touched by the authenticity of the writing. One might think that the activist is upset by the lack of progress he is experiencing under the Obama presidency but I think it goes much deeper than this. I urge you to read it in it's entirety and you will see why I was impacted by this statement from a most unlikely source. This story includes an account of a visit that the former President and First Lady made to the families at Ft. Hood.

I close by saying that I hope with all my heart that our President will come to understand the gravity of his decisions and his actions. My fear is that he is controlled by others who may not have the best interests of the American people. Go to the link below and read this amazing article.

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About Me

I am a husband, father and grandfather to 5 beautiful little girls. I am a follower of Christ