Sunday, June 7, 2009

Go Fish!

I had an interesting study tonite with my small group. We were in the midst of a study titled "Go Fish". Andy Stanley does the series. Tonite's study centered on what is the Gospel and what is required for one to accept and know Christ and more importantly how does one obtain eternal life? Essentially the answer to these questions are found in John 3:16...There are four very important words.

1. God Loves (us so much)
2. He Gave (His only Son)
3. We Believe (Trust in Him)
4. We Receive (Eternal Life)

So it is simple...God Loves, God Gives, We Believe and We Receive

Note there are no works here, no ritual in fact there is no prayer (the sinners prayer). As was pointed out there is not a mention in the Bible of one praying to receive eternal life or praying to receive Christ. As I thought on this I could not remember an instance in the Bible where anyone was asked to say a sinners prayer. It was always you must believe and receive. So how did we get things so complicated? I think as in many things in our churches today we (man) has come up with methods or programs that are not always Biblical but serve a purpose.

I am not saying it is wrong to say a sinners prayer of faith to receive Christ. But it is not a prerequisite. I remember a very good friend of mine who came to Christ on his deathbed. He could not speak due to tubes etc. in him mouth, down his throat etc. I told him the way to Christ and he simply nodded that he accepted Christ. He then had a wide smile break out on his face and I know without a doubt that he is now with Christ. No invitation, no walking an aisle, no repeating of a sinners prayer. He was to weak to ever walk again, to be baptized or to even talk with others about his decision.

Today we have so many dogmas that tell one how to receive salvation. Folks do not think they can ever achieve enough or be good enough to enter into a relationship with Christ. Why not make it simple.... God loved, God gave, We believe and We receive. The key to fishing for men is to build relationships with people and when God opens the door share this simple way to Christ. You don't have to know anything about theology or for that matter you don't have to know a lot about the Bible. Just one verse...John 3:16.

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About Me

I am a husband, father and grandfather to 5 beautiful little girls. I am a follower of Christ