Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Love is patient= kindness

I have been delving into 1 Corinthians Chapter 13..."the Love Chapter". I have spent many days digesting this passage. Beginning in verse 4, the attributes of love are listed. The first two have been my focus for several days. Love is patient, love is kind. The attributes are grouped in two's for the most part. I spent a considerable amount of time on the first "patience". I asked myself if I am patient with those around me? The answer was not good. I lose patience with chatty cashiers who spend too much time talking with other customers and we all relate to other drivers who don't fit our idea of how to drive...etc.

I am convinced that whatever we focus on will grow within us...both good things and bad. I focused for many days on patience and it actually began to grow in my life. I prayed for patience, I thought on patience and I practiced being patient. While not perfected it is growing within me. I then moved on to kindness and it struck me that if I am to be patient then I must be kind. I cannot be kind and not have patience. So I conclude that the two go hand in hand. If I am patient then I am kind. In order to be kind I must be patient.

While reading a great new book by Andy Andrews titled "The Noticer" a question is asked of one of the charachter in the book. The question was " what do you think other people would change about you if they could?" It hit me immediately that the answer would be that I would be more patient and kind...not harsh....not critical....not vindictive. I knew without a doubt this was my nature and this is not a nature of one who loves others. I knew then that this is where I needed to go to work. People like being around people who are patient and kind....not around impatient, harsh people who seem to be more concerned with their own agenda. So it was time to go to work.

I am happy to say that after focusing on this issue for many days I am beginning to see some progress. I know that I have a long way to go but through prayer and the power of God, I think I can do it. In blogs to follow I will touch on the other attributes of the "Love Chapter". I invite you to slowly read and absorb 1 Corinthians Chapter 13 and if you get a chance get a copy of "The Noticer" by Andy Andrews. The two go hand in hand and I think God gives us these multiple sources in His divine wisdom to help us grow if we so choose to focus on His Word. Patience does equal Kindness and I desire to be both to others around me.

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About Me

I am a husband, father and grandfather to 5 beautiful little girls. I am a follower of Christ